Hey peeps! Okay so, I'm gonna make this post about taking care of your finger nails and how to make them stronger and longer! I'm gonna show you guys what is in my nail care kit and and what I do step by step.
Sooooooo...I usually do my nails every 2 weeks but I have ran out of nail polish remover for quite some time now and have not done anything to my nails in like a month and a half. And after cutting my nails for the first time in 2 months and removing my previous nail polish, this is what my hand looks like.
I know! I KNOW! My nails are DISGUSTING! |
So yea..don't be afraid! You can TRUST me completely! I swear you'll see beautiful results in the long run! My nails only look like that because I like to pick my nail polish off. Which is a DO NOT! Because it makes your nails thinner!!! Also because I have been neglecting my hands throughout December and January.
ANYWAYS. This is what my nail care kit consist of.
Everything you will need! and nail polish remover. =) |
I know it's sorta a lot but do you want pretty nails or not?! Than don't QUESTION my wisdom!
Purchased at Walmart |
As nail polish remover, I like to use 100% acetone, just because it gets the job done real quick. This one is maximum strength so it does the job even quicker!
Best nail filer EVER! lol I think I need a new one. |
Purchased at Shopper Drug Mart |
After cleaning my nails, I like to shape them. I usually don't cut my nails unless it's broken or really long. Anyways lets take a minute to talk about this nail filer lol. I LOVE this Revlon Shape 'N' Buff nail filer because it has numbers & steps, as you can see and it tells you what the different surfaces are for. I remember seeing ones that don't tell you and it's just like a blank block with colors on it and I was like "WTF are these for? Decoration?" anyways go buy one.
After I am done shaping and buffing my nails, I use a cuticle scraper to push back my cuticles and to scrape off skin that is lingering around my nails.
Purchased at Shopper Drug Mart |
Gently push, it doesn't hurt one bit. You can cut your cuticles if you want but I don't. |
After that I put on cuticle oil on my cuticles and massage it into my nails for a good minute, I rinse with water and dry my nails. Make sure you dry your nails completely or nail polish will not stick. Apply cuticle oil is very IMPORTANT because that is what makes your nails grow.
Sally Hansen Vitamin E Nail & Cuticle Oil. Purchased at Shopper Drug Mart. |
Just apply on your cuticles, not your entire nails. |
This next step is optional.
Sally Hansen 2-en-1 Nail White Pencil. |
This step is optional because all it does is makes your nail tips look whiter. I only use this when I have my nails bare. When I paint my nails, my tips are hidden. So it doesn't matter, unless you have super yucky dark yellow tips.
After that is all done, I use a nail strengthener polish.
Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Hardener. Purchased at Shopper Drug Mart. |
This Strengthener could be worn alone for a bare look or as a base coat before you apply nail polish. I like to apply 2 coats because one coat doesn't make my nail surface smooth enough for me. & In the long run, you will notice your nails are stronger and healthier. =)
Looking better already! |
And after all that crap is done! FINALLY! I put on hand cream. This hand cream is amazing because it has lots of goodies in it to help my nails grow and make my skin soft at the same time. It's like a
magical cream for hands!
Purchased at Shopper Drug Mart |
And that's it! This ENTIRE process takes me about 15 minutes to do so its not that too bad...and it's a lot cheaper than going to the nail salon every 2 weeks. =D
O_O I'll try that!!! :D