I went to Value Village last Friday by myself, to attempt to thrift for the first time ever! & I'm really happy with what I bought within 30mins.
$9.99 |
This was the first that that I found! Sooo excited! I have been looking for a trench cost, for like ages now & I was seriously considering buying one from Guess ($138). The one at Guess was black also and it look really good on but the extra small was a little to big for me & it was over $100! So when I saw this black trench hanging on the racks, I thought I died! I tried it on & it fitted me PERFECTLY! It was seriously a match made in heaven lol. The length was so perfect on me and it was also originally from Costa Blanca. BTW! I did not get the coat with the studs! lol I wanted a trench coat originally for the soul purpose of studding the sleeves! I saw Burberry's studded trench for the fall 2012 collection for like $4400ish? maybe more actually lol & I fell in love with the idea. Maybe in the near future I'll be able to afford a Burberry one lol but for now, I'm really happy with how my coat is turning out so far...I'm not even close to finish studding the sleeves btw...It's gonna look SIIIICCCCKKK!
$4.99 |
OK! So I found just a plain black button up shirt, that I just bought & chopped off the collar to make a studded collar necklace. Lol I guess I should of took a picture of the shirt before I chopped it...oh well. Anyways I'm almost done studding this lol...Studding is hard work man!
$1.99 |
Found this beautiful satin forest green scarf with orchid flowers. Lol I wanted an old grandma scarf for a while now & was considering buying a Christian Dior or Gucci one...but when I saw this for $2...I would be crazy not to buy it.
$5.99 |
I've have been obsessing!!! Over huge ass, chunky, gold tone, chain chokers atm!! You guys don;t even understand! When I obsess over something, I go INSANE!!!!! & when I saw, this just hanging in the jewelry wall, I swear! There was like heaven light, just shining over it and sound effects in the background going "HHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"...I pretty much snatched it sooo fast & ran! lol no joke. I use to HATE gold tone jewelry lol but ever since I saw Jen from Clothesencounter on Youtube wear one, I've been going crazy over it.
$7.99 |
I found this matte gold tone choker & I thought this was pretty expensive for a necklace at a thrift store lol. I dunno but I like it a lot, it sits nicely on my neck
$3.99 |
Beautiful gold tone cut out bangle.
$1.99 |
Simple gold tone bangle. Very good for layering bracelets.
$1.99 |
Pale pink and gold earrings. I've been into classic looking jewelry atm, like jewelry that are so classic and chic that will never go out of style.
$2.99 |
Gold and pearl earrings. FYI, I cleaned the jewelry with white alcohol. So yea...lol. All the jewelry that found, had really nice weight to it and is really good quality.
They just don't make fashion jewelry like they use to anymore. Honestly you can't find what I bought here, in retail store now, they would either tarnish of just fall apart on you.
But yea...That was my first time thrifting. :)
Oh! I also went back to Value Village on Sunday, with a few friends and my cousins. It was was cousins first time thrifting too!! lol My cousin Linda found a really nice sheer dress and a few tops. Didn't take a picture of her purchases. & her sister...my cousin Lisa found...well I found!! lol & I'm so proud of what I found for her actually lol.
Here is a Diptic picture that she took, of the two pieces I found.
Pea-coat: $14.99 & Blazer: $9.99 |
I found this really pretty...REALLY WHITE! pretty much brand spanking new! Pea-coat. It was super soft and SOOO clean! The only problem with it, was that it was missing a button. Which didn't bother me or her because the belt hides it anyways, when tided up. I originally wanted it but it was to big for me and when I showed Lisa & made her try it on, it looked so fabulous on her.You guys can't see the detail on the buttons but it's really pretty & shiny.
Also the black blazer...Lol Lisa sucks at taking picture honestly, you guys can even see the details on it!
It just looks like a normal black blazer in this picture lol BUT IT'S NOT. It has beautiful detailed trimming around it which made it very flattering around the torso? area. Originally, I also wanted this lol but it was to big lol so I made Lisa tried it on. & of course, it fits her perfectly! It defined her waist and just UGHHH! So jealous of her because both the jackets fits her like a glove! But I'm happy because she seriously needs new clothes lol.
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