Dan wanted to take me to Cora's for brunch because in his words, "you'll like it, there's a lot of fruits" lol, he was right, there was a shit load of fruits lol. The Cora I went to, was the one that was attached to Sunridge Mall. And the random guy in the picture, is Dan...my hunnie <3 tehehe.
Dan going through the menu. SO many options so little time...lol we got 3 dishes to share among the both of us...I know we're fat asses.
Dan got the ham and egg wrap, it was really good!
I got the smoked salmons with capers bagel. So very yummy and filling.
And we got a huge ass waffle plate covered in custard cream...SO FRICKEN DELICIOUS!
After brunch, Dan took me to the movies to watch the Dictator cause I wanted to see it haha. All I have to say, is that I'm GLAD we went to watch it on a Tuesday, I would of been disappointed if we paid full movie ticket prices.
After the movies, we went to eat more lol. I had a pekking duck dinner. I don't have any pictures because I was to busy stuffing my face with wraps. =P
What did I get for my birthday?
you all know that I got a Nikon 1 camera weeks before my birthday.Thank you so much Jenny, Lisa and Linda! =D BTW, I took all my pictures on this post with it lol really good quality pictures.
My friend Bianca, got me a Micheal Kors bag. Mega LOVE so much!! It has the goldtone chain detailing, it's small and simple. I love simplicity. Thank you Bianca!! Much Love.
Dan gave me my first pair of True Religions lol. Sorta funny that this is my first pair at age 21.
Look at the buttons!!! Blue Swarovski crystal detailing. Thanks hunnie <3
And I got a birthday gift from Sephora...wow I'm a loner lol.
I got miniature Fresh Sugar Kisses Duo. Their SOOOO CUTE!! The lipsticks are the size of my finger!! lol and they smell so pretty!
That's pretty much it for my birthday, nothing special and big yet lol. & as of this day, there is 4 days till I head to Las Vegas! Super Stoked! I'm sorta gonna be celebrating my birthday there. =) Anyways, I gotta go buy myself a luggage now. =P
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